Linkus International

Your best business partner

Trade Show service-美国展会服务

Exhibition repsentative 代参展

-Book the booth-预定美国行业展会摊位 -Setup booth-布展 -Exhibition -参展 -Take down booth-撤展 -Collect business card 收集展会名片



We distribute your products in the U.S market 我们可以在美国经销您的产品



Store your products in our warehouse and we ship your products to your customers. 提供海外仓服务的同时可以帮您做一件代发



Offering warehousing services-可为您提供美国仓储服务

Amazon Service亚马逊服务

Amazon return services-亚马逊退换货服务

Receive returns from Amazon or your customers, Repackage, relabeling 接受亚马逊/美国客户退货、重新包装、重新换标、重新发货

Open the U.S company 代成立美国公司

Open the U.S company-成立美国分公司

We offer register the U.S company business license , rent office/warehouse services. 我们提供代注册美国公司服务,提供租办公或仓库服务。

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Your after-sell service in US market 美国客服中心


Your US warehouse-美国仓储






Open the U.S company-代开美国公司

We could help you to open the U.S company and account, give your advise of digital marketing.


We can do drop-shipping for your Amazon end customers base on your order.


We can receive your products returns from Amazon or your customers.


We can Change the packages base on your request.


We can relabeling your package.


We can be your after sale service center, take care of your clients phone calls. Replace products.


We can be your distributors to sell your products.

Linkus International Collection a firm that provides outsourced services to client companies for all of the sellers, especially e-commerce sellers.

Save your branch office cost

Running an US office Min. $ 30,000/M

Linkus International Collection a firm that provides outsourced services to client companies for all of the sellers, especially e-commerce sellers. 

Linkus International is your third-party logistics partner—warehousing and shipping product and after sale service on your behalf. This allows your company to focus on manufacturing, marketing, and selling your product.
Our service 我们的服务:
We can storage your products in our warehouse with 24 security monitoring. We ship your products to your clients base on your inquiry.

We can do drop-shipping for your Amazon end customers base on your order.

We can receive your products returns from Amazon or your customers.

We can Change the packages base on your request.

We can relabeling your package.

We can be your after sale service center, take care of your clients phone calls. Replace products.

We can be your distributors to sell your products. 


We can attend the exhibition (Trade Show)for you 


About Us imageAbout Us image

Sell your clearance product

If you have stock products with good quality and good price, we can sell it to our business

This is one of the places you can use for adding FAQ answers on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything you want to answer for your client. Edit your FAQ page from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.
This is one of the places you can use for adding FAQ answers on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything you want to answer for your client. Edit your FAQ page from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.
This is one of the places you can use for adding FAQ answers on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything you want to answer for your client. Edit your FAQ page from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.
This is one of the places you can use for adding FAQ answers on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything you want to answer for your client. Edit your FAQ page from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button. 

Receive returns from Amazon or your customers, Repackage, relabeling

  • 1441 Huntington Drive #254, South Pasadena, CA91030